Welcome To Tide & Thyme!

Welcome To Tide & Thyme!

Dear Tide & Thyme Community,

I want to extend the warmest welcome as we begin our food blogging journey. Together, we will create a tight-knit community that brings people together from all walks of life over one thing, food. At Tide & Thyme, our mission is to bring unique simplicity and community to your kitchen because life’s more fun when your food tastes good.

About Me

My name is Haley Thomas, founder and owner of Tide & Thyme. My background as a health and fitness professional has led me to the creation of this blog where I hope to share my tips and tricks for living a healthy, well-balanced, nourished life. I come from an athletic up-bringing, earning a scholarship to play Division I field hockey at the College of William & Mary (W&M). At W&M, I earned my degree in health sciences, sparking my passion for fueling the body with healthy, tasty food. Tide & Thyme is a curation of my latest food projects, along with recipes that have been passed down for generation in my family. I’m beyond excited to share my passion for food with this community, and I hope you enjoy learning about my team along the way.

Meet Our Team

Haley Thomas

Founder & CEO

Reilly Thomas

Head Taste Tester

Rory Thomas

Junior Taste Tester

Haley About Me Photo
Reilly Thomas Team Photo
Rory Thomas Team Photo

What To Expect

This feels like the first day of class where the teacher is going through the syllabus, right…? Either way, let’s outline what you can expect from me and my team as we embark on this journey together (pun intended).

Our goal is to share every single recipe we have and trust me, there are a lot of them. As we continue to learn on this journey, posting will become seamless and we’ll be able to produce more content for you all. We’re committed to providing the best, most transparent, easy-to-follow recipes that make cooking simple and fun.

While doing so, we’re looking to build our community in various ways. We want to connect people through food. One way we’re looking to build community is through our monthly newsletter. This newsletter will be sent out on the first of every month and will feature seasonal recipes, recent posts to highlight, and team updates (pup pictures). To sign up for our newsletter, fill out the information below and you’re all set!

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Let’s Do This Together

My team and I want to send our most sincere thank you for being a part of our community and our journey. We hope you find our content insightful, valuable, and engaging. Additionally, we’d love to hear from you! We encourage our community members to share their recipes, pictures, and thoughts. We’d love to share your story or recipe and feature you in a post if you’re interested. Please reach out via the contact page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Thanks for making the world a better place,

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